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Berkeley wasn't announced beforehand in the chronicle.The day after coverage was buried on page 8 of the newspaper, ray ban outlet uk with more attention given to king's appearance at the commonwealth club than his fiery talk to about 10, 000 on campus at upper sproul plaza.

But sometimes the best editor is history.While reading local stories on martin luther king jr.Day this week, i noticed several commenters remembering king's anti war speech at berkeley.I searched the archives the next day, and found a sleeve full of images taken by longtime chronicle photographer art frisch, who photographed king from several angles, which allowed clear looks at the faces in the crowd.Put"Mlk berkeley"In the subject line, share a few memories and include a current photo of yourself.I'm hoping the end result will yield something similar to our"Star wars"At the coronet in 1977 project an oral history or multimedia presentation from the crowd's perspective.

A few more thoughts below the king/spock in '68 campaign sign a huge tip of the hat to the late great art frisch, a 49 year chronicle employee who went the extra mile with these photos.I wonder if he knew how important they would be later he captured king from every possible angle, and took care to photograph the crowd as well.

Frisch is one of my favorite of our longtime photographers, always placing value not just on the newsmakers but the regular citizens who witnessed an event.It's a wonderful find on my end to open up a sleeve of negatives, and find such an incredible bounty.It feels as if i filled out a photo assignment for 1967, sent it to frisch through a worm hole, and he delivered on every detail i could have wanted.

Frisch became photo editor, retired in the 1980s and died in 2003.Here's his well written obituaryby my colleague steve rubenstein.I know frisch's children and grandchildren keep an eye on the big event, and i know they're proud.I wish i had a chance to meet one of the legends of the chronicle newsroom.

Remember this was a more conservative time for san francisco and the newspaper.The chronicle acknowledged 7, 000 people showed up, and other publications reported 10, 000 plus.

Maybe it's all the words in quotes, but i perceive the tone of the king coverage as slightly dismissive, especially in the first two paragraphs.See for yourself below

The faces in the berkeley crowd tell a different story.The younger witnesses in particular seem enraptured.

Usually when i'm looking at old photos, i'm struck by the fashions. (Lots of ray ban looking sunglasses, and closer cropped hair than i would have expected for 1967. )Here i'm struck by the overall mood.That's one thing that doesn't change whether it's a group of young people from the 1960s, 1970s, 1990s or 2014.This is a crowd that wanted change, and looked ready for action.If you feel like digging through the attic, scan the photos/upload the video on youtube, and make sure to send me a link.I'd also love to get text or an audio recording of the speech.Berkeley social activism sound recording project.

And if you want to track cheap ray bans uk this project closely, follow me on twitter and follow the big event on facebook.I often post updates and exclusive photos there that don't end up on the blog.

Peter hartlaub is the pop culture critic at the san francisco chronicle and founder/editor of the big event.He takes requests.Follow the big eventon facebook.

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